Know First
Introducing the Harlem Agenda
The Harlem Collective is getting ready to launch our community newsletter, Harlem Agenda, and we need your help.
Every two weeks, we’ll publish a new update that keys you into the people, places, events and things that make our neighborhood exciting. We’ll keep the pulse on new restaurant and shop openings, let you know what’s to do in the weekend ahead and profile the most interesting people we meet.
To stay in the know, sign up for the newsletter here (free, of course). As ever, we’ll protect your privacy and never share it with or sell it to third parties. You can unsubscribe easily at any time.
Then, drop us some clues: when you see something new and interesting, email it to We’ll check it out and, if it’s a fit, include it in a future Agenda.
Thanks for the the support and, until soon,
Stay Interesting…